Hi, I'm Sacha.
I'm passionate about promoting justice, equity, and social change.
As a writer and researcher with a background in law, I focus particularly on issues related to gender-based violence, trauma, and mental health.
My work is rooted in a feminist and survivor-centred approach, and I'm committed to raising awareness about the unique needs and experiences of survivors of violence and abuse, particularly with respect to their encounters within justice systems.
I have a background as a lawyer (9-years experience in criminal and family law) and hold a first class honours masters in law, amongst numerous other academic qualifications across sociology, psychology, human rights and international relations.
When I'm not writing, I'm spending time with my four beautiful babies, working in my garden growing food (a long held passion!), reading biographies and non-fiction books on history, anthropology, and international affairs, or travelling the world at every opportunity.
I'm always looking for opportunities to collaborate with others who share my passion for social justice.
If you'd like to get in touch, please feel free to leave a comment on one of my Medium articles or try contacting me via Twitter. I'm always open to feedback, collaboration, and learning from others.